Saturday, May 7, 2016

Catching up, part II

Since Jan's played catch-up, I guess I have to as well ;). Here are a few of the photos that I've accumulated on my phone since January:

Sleepy pets, always a favorite!

We did some pet sitting for Billie and Rod (in January and April). Always fun! Pepper and Maggie get along great. It's very funny walking them together: One of them sniffs something interesting, and the other one is right behind to check it out too. And Sailor's a sweetheart. 

We had some golden eggs for Easter (the color was horrible, though, super sticky). 

And I finally took a photo of my research group. Here's us being goofy :).

I had knee surgery on my left knee (the meniscus, again). Not for the faint of heart!

And we graduated another group of seniors. Always bitter-sweet.

And last but not least, Dog Days 2016. Jan helped this time!

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