Friday, January 7, 2011

Pepper & Abby

Both sleeping right next to each other:

We got the crate today and he's doing really well in it. I want to establish that crate time = resting time. That should help me in the office as well (I am planning on crating him when I teach so that he does not get himself into trouble by chewing up my stuff or scratching the door or... whatever else comes to his mind). Thus, I can also leave the door open without worrying about what he's doing and he can see what's going on outside.

I gave him a good leash-free run in the yard when I came home today (he LOVED it!), and a good long walk in the rain tonight. Now he's happily asleep in the crate, and Abby decided to join him in her carrier. I think this will work out nicely :). 

It has been an exhausting week but we have made such amazing progress with him. I got to remind myself that we've only had him for a week (it does feel longer :)). 

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