Sunday, December 1, 2019

December? Yes, it's December already!

Soooo, it's been a while. For the most part, Michaela and I have just been hard at work the last few months, but there were a few pictures along the way that are worth sharing:

Billie has recently re-taken up singing and we spent a fun evening watching her at Wilf's Restaurant with Rod on September 25th (sorry for the fuzzy picture, lighting wasn't that bright):

October 5th: Jacob and Nicole's Wedding! It was a lot of fun, not only for their inability to maintain their composure during the vows, but also for a gathering with friends we hadn't seen in years.

Early November was one of several 'good weather weekends' that we enjoyed at the coast in Neskowyn - the eternal fall/winter rain hasn't quite yet started!

Also in early November, Justin, Helen - both colleagues of mine - and I visited UC Santa Barbara to check in on a research project that MKS is funding. It's a nice campus right on the beach; how students manage to get any work done in a place like this is beyond me...
 November 9th: After more than a year of 'lunch chess' Jacob and I finally got back together on a Saturday afternoon for a 'proper' game of chess. Jacob won - looking at the picture, I now have to wonder if Kiki was whispering sound chess advice into his ear...

November 25: Thanksgiving week! We spent Monday and Tuesday at Helen's Hideaway in Neskowyn. The weather was pretty lousy - as you'd expect in late November - but we had a great time nevertheless: lot's of fresh air and a warm, cozy place with a view of the Pacific...

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