Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 wrap-up

It's been a while! Time flies... as always...

October and November found us enjoying the fall foliage in Wilsonville

Kitty sitting Sailor for a few days

and taking the obligatory research group photo 

There was also a lot of snuggling with the furries:
Handsome George!

George relaxing
More of George relaxing

George kneading
Kitty in a box!

Afternoon nap with the furries
Our cutie

Abby discovering my new TicWatch

Christmas snuggles on a new blanket (so soft!)

Pepper on his new dog bed. All curled up and ready to go... nowhere!
Look at those paws!

One of my favorite photos! Pepper and George butt-to-butt and Jan listening to something.

Snuggles after surgery.

We spent Thanksgiving again at Billie & Rod's. Always good fun with amazing food and a fun photo show!
Maggie being extra cute!

And then the semester was over with Dog Days and the gloriously lit Star Trees.

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