Saturday, June 3, 2017


It's June already - what happened to May?!?

Well, after attending CLEO in San Jose during the week of May 15th, I arrived at the PDX airport on Friday afternoon just a few hours prior to my parents, who were visiting from good ol' Germany for a couple of weekends - with a visit of Yellowstone in between.

After a visit to the Beaverton Farmers Market on Saturday morning for our weekly dose of Oregon berries (and cherries from Freddie's for my mom), we headed to Champoeg State Park for a walk in the sunny afternoon followed by some coffee and ice cream at the historic Butteville store. Later, my parents (briefly) experienced some modern virtual entertainment, i.e. the climb on the Oculus Rift, before we headed to the Oswego Grill for dinner:

Sunday was forecast to be hot, hot, hot, so we escaped to our favorite beach hang out: Neskowin. We followed with a classic BBQ in the evening - good times!

The following Friday evening we had some fun with the Swagway:

Saturday morning: More berries from the market, of course! And after a walk through Graham Oaks and a generally chill day, we enjoyed dinner at Langdon's Grill:

On Sunday we enjoyed the sunny weather with a walk around Lake Oswego, a subsequent light lunch at St. Honore's (always a treat!), and some shopping in Bridgeport Village

Memorial day: shopping at the Woodburn Outlet, followed by a walk through Magness Tree Farm in the afternoon.

On Tuesday it was back to work for us, but after a tasty Moroccan dinner from Dar Essalam we got around to some chatting in the evening prior to their departure back to Germany on Wednesday. And Pepper clearly needed some cuddle time...

Now it's June already and we are soon heading to Yellowstone ourselves!

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