Friday, July 11, 2014

This and That

Some random photos from my cell phone:

A beautiful double rainbow on our evening walk:

Pepper after his bath. He was a little bit cold, so I put him in a blanket first to dry off a little, and then turned on the fire place. 

Eagerly awaiting Ira Glass and the Two Dancers show in Portland (Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall):

George and Pepper being cute:

Happy Birthday, Jan! (The cake was supposed to be a lemon pound cake. New recipe. Never a good idea. Aaanyways, it turned out to be more of a lemon-flavored rock, so we tossed it. To redeem myself, I slightly changed the recipe and made a new one two days later, and apart from being super sweet (less sugar next time!), it was really good.)

Homemade gluten free pizza using our new pizza stone. YUM!

Roadtrip (!) to the coast on the fourth of July weekend.

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