Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas tree and cookies!

Today we got our Christmas tree. And what a beauty it is this year (can't believe it was only $30!). We got it from "Todd's - you cut/we cut noble firs" on SW Bell Rd [hello future Michaela&Jan, here's your reminder :)]. It's still in the garage to fully dry (guess what, it was raining when we picked it up, what are the chances!), but I'll add pictures of the fully decorated beauty later of course.

In the afternoon we started our cookie production. We have all the dough, but have used only roughly have of it so far. After all, it's supposed to be fun (and it was!) and not work. The rest will be baked tomorrow or Tuesday evening. All are gluten and dairy free this year, so they taste a little different. Still very yummy :).

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