Saturday, July 4, 2020

Still hanging in there...

There hasn't been a post in an unusually long time and for good reason, of course: these are not normal times. Michaela and I have been working from home for 15 weeks by now. And while state parks are - for the most part - at least partially reopened, life is still very far from normal with no light at the end of the tunnel.

So, there are no updates simply because life has been on hold for the most part.
Playgrounds have been closed...
George can now join us on our walks...
Michaela is tackling a 18000 piece jigsaw puzzle - this is the first quarter.

Added some creature comforts: a TV to motivate us to exercise more - it actually worked!
Lots of cuddle time with the furries.
We don't drive a lot anymore, but whenever we do, Skittles takes it seriously...

Windsurfing is still possible though!

I got this from Michaela for my birthday -!!