Sunday, September 8, 2019

Another weekend, another hike

This time we went back to Tryon State Park. Granted, it's not a long hike, but it's always a lot of fun (up- and downhill, so still enough to tire out the pooches!). 

Billie stopped by to say hi...

.... and took this adorable video I thought I'd share. Ignore the talking - focus on the cute and proud doggo!


With a long weekend (Labor Day!) and nice weather on Monday we decided to drive to the coast and enjoy a nice long walk there. First time for Skittles, so we were curious to see how she'd do with the water. Spoiler alert: She truly is our dog - she cares for the water just as much as Pepper does (i.e. not at all). :D

Anticipation - "Are we there yet??"

Good doggies.

And... we're pooped!

After the walk we gave Skittles her very first full bath. She did really well! Funny, though, just how tiny she is underneath all that fur!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Julie, Zoe and Phryne's visit

In Mid-August Julie, Zoe and Phryne stopped by from their sunny California vacation for a weekend side trip to Oregon. We had a lot of fun!

Friday morning: waffles!

Friday turned out to be a long string of playgrounds while we got a chance to catch up with Jule.
River Fox park.
Zoe, Phryne & Jan with 'Gentle Ben'

Salmon BBQ on Friday evening.

We quickly figured out that Zoe and Phryne have a propensity for climbing and there are only so many playgrounds in the neighborhood (we visited half a dozen or so over the weekend!), so we decided to visit Tree2Tree adventure park near Gaston:
A short safety briefing and then we were off to the races. After a couple of quick climb throughs of the beginners track, Phryne settled on climbing trees. With a few minutes of figuring things out she tirelessly climbed them up again and again...
Zoe meanwhile zipped through all the available climbing courses from easy to hard to very hard - I had trouble keeping up! Though I was helped by the fact that multiple times climbers right in front of us required rescue by the staff...

Inza R Wood middle school football field

After our Sunday morning walk (more playgrounds!) we decided to visit OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry), which hosted a special exhibition about Pixar.

Jule gets to play, too!

And in the afternoon: more playgrounds!

Sunday evening: Molecular Gastronomy! Zoe and Phryne cooked up an interesting concoction that looked a lot like Sushi, but tasted more like...well, who knows? I never had the guts to try it!

Good times!