Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Christmas 2018

Well, it's already 2019 - high time to post some pictures of our very calm and relaxed Christmas 2018. As you see, it was very traditional - we kept true to our annual traditions.

Michaela making tiny Gingerbread Houses.

Gingerbread houses small enough to fit on the rim of your coffee mug!

We are sticking to our Fondue on Christmas tradition, but mixed it up a bit this year.
Korean hot pot! Very tasty!

Michaela got us all new Pajamas this year! George was not impressed.
Calm and quiet...

As in every recent year, we got to see the Christmas lights of the Portland racetrack with Billie and Rod.

Pepper and Maggie attended, too, of course...

I got the 'Ninjago City' from Michaela for Christmas! Pepper helped!
So did George...
Here it is in its full glory - more than 4000 pieces!

On New Years Eve we enjoyed a gorgeous day on the Neskowin beach.

Our lego collection continues to grow...
There was also a lot of reading and cuddling on couches … good times!

Mount Hood's top not covered in clouds - a beautiful start into the new year.
On New Years Day it was off to Mt. Hood with great skiing conditions.

Happy New Year!