Sunday, July 29, 2018

10 year anniversary!

Well, it's been 10 years since we married! 10 years! We noticed at this occasion that we never posted any wedding pictures on our blog!
So here are just a few for reference:

We also realized that we never returned to Cape Lookout afterwards. So yesterday, 10 years later, we returned. The state park and its facilities hadn't changed a bit! And the beach went on for a lot longer than we remembered, easily accommodating a couple of hours of walking with barely a soul in sight - in the middle of the summer!

Glorious Oregon - endless, clean beaches...

We also saw a bald eagle struggling to fly away with some heavy prey in its claws (too far away for a good picture) and a sea lion skeleton!

And when we returned, Michaela cooked us a FODMAP friendly Chicken Tikka Masala with Mango Lassi in commemoration of our first dinner date, which we ate while watching Shrek - in commemoration of our second date almost 17 years ago...time flies when you are having fun!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday morning clean up

I found a few photos that I think are worth posting. Here goes :)

We went to Neskowin a few times, once even with Pepper's girlfriend Maggie. They had a lot of fun! And, of course, they crashed as soon as we got back to the car :).

Pepper found his new nap buddy (my research students had given me the stuffed dog who somewhat resembles Pepper as a goodbye gift in May).

Jan and I installed a new microwave (the photo is a bit blurry, but we were so excited when it was finally done!).

And our dude enjoys riding home from the market in a wagon on a hot summer day.