Sunday, January 8, 2017


While Michaela is enjoying the balmy, sunny weather at the University of Arizona this weekend, Pepper and I are frolicking in the snow in chilly Wilsonville:

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy 2017!

As every recent New Years Day, I made my way to Mt. Hood. While last year was sunny and windy, this year was very, very snowy. Vision wasn't too hot, but lot's of fresh powder (I didn't take the time to take pictures of the pristine slopes I got to enjoy...sorry, was busy) and as per usual, no lift lines and very few people out on the slopes - good times! Given the downpour of snow, today was actually the first time that I used ever. On the way up it probably wasn't strictly necessary, but on the way out of the parking spot and down the mountain, I was happy to have them. Happy New Year everyone!