Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving dinner

Just like the last few years, we were fortunate enough to be invited by Billie and Rod to a great Thanksgiving dinner. This time in their home on Ladd Hill rather than on the coast, though (makes for a much shorter drive!).
The 23-pounder was expertly carved by Rod under the watchful eyes of Maggie, while Billie cooked and entertained simultaneously.

The meal was great, as is tradition, and we enjoyed the company of Terry, Donna, Tim, Pat, Hong (sp?) and Huong (sp??), as well as their teenage daughters (who did NOT want to be there...).
And then the Seahawks beat the 49ers 19:3 - what more can you ask for?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Spark of Resistance - 60 minutes to escape

Today we went to Spark of resistance - 60 minutes to escape, a super-fun event in Portland. Here's the story: You are special agents, and one of your fellow special agents went missing. Your job is to get into his office and search for clues about what happened. And you have 60 minutes to achieve it. Lots of fun (even though we didn't quite make it in time (at least we freed our fellow agent)).

Here's us afterward having dinner.