Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let it snow, let it snow,...

Instead of the rain that we usually get this time of year, we got a good 7 inches of snow! It started falling on Thursday afternoon, and by Friday we had probably 4-5 inches of nice powder. 

Willamette was closed on Friday, and Jan returned from a conference Friday at around noon, so we got to spend some quality time outside. And Pepper LOVED it! He went nuts in the fresh snow. I think it was the first time that he saw that much snow!

He also had a nice wrestling match with Gibson, our neighbor's Golden/Lab mix. Which made me particularly happy since Gibson didn't really like Pepper when they met the first time,... or the second,... or the third. Guess "Pepper" is an acquired taste!

We also let Abby and George out for a brief moment since they were complaining loudly when I let Pepper out in the yard (Why does the dog get to have all that fun?!). They were interested but not too thrilled about that cold, wet stuff on their paws :). After just a few minutes they were very happy to be back inside, cuddling up on a warm blanket.


While Friday was all fun and games, we must have gotten some rain over night. When I let Pepper out Saturday morning to do his business he was in for a nasty surprise: He learned that he really, REALLY hated the feeling of a thin layer of ice on top of his beautiful snow. To the point where he didn't even want to go potty anymore! Poor thing. So what did I do? At 4 am, might I add? Grabbed a shovel and dug through the ice to the nearest tree, where Pepper happily lifted his leg. Talk about spoiling the dog :P.

It's Sunday evening now, and most of the snow has melted. There is more rain in the forecast, and together with the rising temperatures that's probably that. Goodbye snow 2014. Welcome rain. We've missed you.