Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bayocean Peninsula

The forecast for this weekend looked good (at least on Friday!), so we decided to plan for a trip to the Oregon coast. We haven't been there for a while (maybe last summer??), so it was time! Billie and Maggie wanted to come as well, but unfortunately something came up yesterday, so Billie had to cancel. Well, this won't be the last time I'm sure. Hopefully they can join us next time. 
We decided to drive to Tillamook for lunch. Well, turns out that Tillamook is pretty much dead on a Sunday at noon. All the restaurants (at least the ones we found) were closed. So we ended up stopping at Safeway.After all, we had awesome food yesterday, and today we came for the beach, not the food.
When we arrived at Bayocean Peninsula County Park it started raining! Can you believe it!! That didn't stop us, of course, and we happily headed for the beach. The rain didn't last long, and while we got a little wet, it dried off within the first half hour or so. We even got sunshine toward the end. What a great day, we should do that more often!

This is shortly after our arrival. A shame that we couldn't take a video (I left my cell phone in the car since it was raining). Pepper was pure joy on legs. He couldn't get fast enough from one spot to another. So many smells, so many things to explore. 


Oh yeah, it was raining. But who cares :).


A sequence of Awesome Recall (with capital A!!).


Beautiful nature (even with a little bit of sunshine).

 And more Pepper running.

Found a starfish (dead, unfortunately).

 The view back to the parking lot:

And posing with the pooch for a nice picture. The first one - not so nice (but funny). Pepper had just given me a big smooch right on the kisser. Yikes (hehe).

And more views of the beach (this time with LOTS of sunshine).

Pepper was pretty hesitant when it came to the water. He liked sniffing near the water's edge, but actually going in there - no way! So, we played a lot in the inch high water. He ran away from the incoming waves (hilarious!), but did enjoy walking and running in the shallow water.




Heading back across the dunes to the parking lot. Love the Oregon coast!

One last look back, and off to the car it is!

Tired pooch (hard to see because of the screen from his car kennel) and happy hubby.

Brunch @ Tasty and Sons

Yesterday (Saturday) we decided to treat ourselves to a nice brunch at Tasty and Sons. We had heard good things about them, but this was the first time we actually went. After a brief trip to the market beforehand (since it's kinda on the way), we arrived a good 15 minutes before they opened - and there was already a long line! Long enough, in fact, that we had to wait another 30 minutes or so before we got a spot. It was soooo worth it! The restaurant is great, love the style, and the food was amazing! We had The English Breakfast, the Polenta and Sausage Ragu with Mozzarella and fried egg, and erin's sweet biscuits. Well worth the drive and the wait - we'll be back!

Here's Jan before the breakfast. Can you tell he's hungry?? At least we already had coffee :).


I'll let Jan write the full story. Briefly, Jan met with Rob and Kristen (who had their first lessons) for some windsurfing. Good times, lots of sunshine and wind. And - a lost board and sail. Stay tuned!


 Rob and a random woman with 3 (!) dogs on her board!


Happy 4th of July!

Jan and I had a pretty calm 4th of July. Which was great, very relaxing. Well, at least for us. Pepper got pretty stressed by the noise. So we built him a little cave with blankets under my desk, and Abby also kept him company (aww).