Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Silverfalls state park

Last Saturday, Amy, Nathan, Jan, Pepper and I went to Silverfalls State Park. Amy and Nathan were here to hunt for an apartment for the fall, which they found in record time, freeing some time on Saturday. And with the beautiful weather finally here that made for a fun 9-mile hike.

Unfortunately, we could not walk along the waterfall route (no dogs allowed there!). On the plus side, that "forced" us to walk through the woods - something Jan and I haven't done before.
Pepper did very well, too. He carried his backpack most of the way (I took it off when he got too slow uphills).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meet "The Nose"

Today we went to the smaller area of the dog park (the doberman that gets annoyed by Pepper and gets very intense then was in the bigger one). As you can see, the grass is pretty high there, which made for some fun sniffing adventure. Meet: The Nose.
What really cracks me up is that little tail wag whenever he smells something really, REALLY interesting. Got to love this dog!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cuddle Time

Pepper and Daisy (Rick's labradoodle) were cuddling and napping together in Pepper's crate this morning.